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Sarah Puryear

The Rev. Sarah Puryear lives in Nashville with her family and serves as priest associate at St. George’s Episcopal Church.

Anglican Mysteries

If you’re on the hunt for some summer reading, my reading in the past ten years commends the remarkable niche of Anglican mystery writers....

Living All Fifty Days of the Easter Season

I was surprised — no pun intended — to realize recently that N.T. Wright’s book Surprised by Hope turned 16 only about a month ago....

How God the Father Is Not a Boy

The Rev. Sarah Puryear reviews Women and the Gender of God.

‘Visio Divina’ and the Art of the Nativity

I recently reviewed a beautiful book, Divine Love: Art of the Nativity by Sarah Drummond, which occupies a place at the intersection of art history...

Seeing the Nativity Anew

The Rev. Sarah Puryear reviews Divine Love: The Art of the Nativity.

Seven Arrows of Bible Reading

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly...

The Dangers of Subculture

By Sarah Puryear The recent Amazon Prime documentary Shiny Happy People is a devastating and incisive examination of the form of Christianity followed by the...

Reading Esther and Ruth in Tandem

Esther 1:1–2:23 By Sarah Puryear This week in the Good Book Club, our reading plan moves from the story of Ruth to that of Esther. These...

Why Episcopalians Should Read the Pope’s Latest Letter

By Sarah Puryear This summer a Roman Catholic friend sent me a link to Pope Francis’s latest letter entitled Desiderio desideravi and asked me to...

A Christ-Haunted Christmas Carol

By Sarah Puryear Like most English majors, I keep a running list of books I “should” read but never quite get around to reading. Several...