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Brandt Montgomery

The Rev. Dr. Brandt Montgomery is the Chaplain of Saint James School in Hagerstown, Maryland and Vicar of St. Mark's Episcopal Church (Lappans Road) in Boonsboro, Maryland.

Say No to the ‘Taterix’

Two school years ago, during a dinner in the Saint James School refectory, a former male student asked me, “Father Montgomery, what do you...

Uncle Tom or New Negro? A Black Episcopalian’s Reflections on Booker T. Washington

Robert Norrell’s Up from History: The Life of Booker T. Washington (2009) was the first full-length biography of the late 19th- and early 20th-century...

A Priest-Educator’s Response to Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard

By Brandt Montgomery The United States Supreme Court recently released a landmark decision concerning affirmative action in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and...

Love Gleaned, Offered, and Received

Ruth 1:1-2:23 By Brandt L. Montgomery On today, the Feast of the Epiphany, we are again invited on a Good Book Club journey through Scripture, starting...

Living the Inclusion We Profess

“Is it possible to be Black and Episcopalian?” The author says yes, but only if the church takes certain actions.

“Bridge the Gap”: Charitable Theology in the 21st Century

By Brandt Montgomery In his sermon to the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry noted statistics from a commissioned opinion poll aimed...

Liberal Catholicism and Religious Education: The Ministry of Adelaide Teague Case

By Brandt L. Montgomery The dedication of Solomon’s temple in 1 Kings chapter 8 was a day of great rejoicing for Israel. The temple was...

Go Down, Moses

Exodus 1-5 By Brandt Montgomery Exodus 1:1-14 — A “Crossover” from Genesis I have been a fan of the Law & Order television franchise for as long...

Covenant and Reconciliation: A Black Episcopal Perspective

By Brandt L. Montgomery Some years ago, the Living Church ran a symposium entitled “Teaching Jesus and the Unity of the Church,” described as “a...

Yea Alabama! Anglican Mutual Flourishing at Work

By Brandt L. Montgomery After former Albany Bishop William Love announced his resignation, due to the Hearing Panel for the Trial of a Bishop determining...