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from the archives

From the Archives: The Episcopate as an Organ of Catholicity

Sermon by the Right Rev. Chauncey B. Brewster, D.D., Bishop of Connecticut at the Consecration of the Rev. Philip Mercer Rhinelander, D.D., as Bishop...

The Communion of Saints

As we have approached Allhallowtide this year, I've been rather mindful of mortality: my own, my loved ones', and others around me. There are...

From the Archives: The Three Sacred Ministers: An Outmoded Concept? (1965)

By H. Boone Porter Jr. Edited and introduced by Richard J. Mammana, Jr. The following essay by Harry Boone Porter Jr. (1923-99) was first published in...

Archives: War — or Something Else (1923)

The rest of the world, at least, is war-sick. Perhaps in this country we did not suffer enough to make us realize that the prevention of war is the greatest issue that now confronts the world.

From the Archives: Worship in an Era of Permanent Change

By Leonel L. Mitchell Edited and introduced by Richard Mammana Jr. In 1964, Leonel Lake Mitchell (1930-2012) became the first person to receive a Th.D. in...

On the Assumption (From the Archives)

Today is the Feast of Saint Mary the Virgin, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. (Or, depending on one's tradition and calendar, the Solemnity...

ARCHIVES: 1918 Philadelphia Clergy Oppose Church Closing

Twenty-two of the Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia lodged a protest against the banning of public worship in the city, whose failure to take early social distancing measures resulted in the highest death toll for any major city in the 1918 influenza epidemic.

From the Archives: A TLC Christmas Message from 75 Years Ago

TLC has been published continuously since 1878. During World War II, the editor sent a message from the front lines.

Rationing and Parish Life

TLC material from early 1942 describes the effects of wartime rationing on parish life in the Episcopal Church.


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