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Lord Is an Indispensable Word

  No one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit. — 1 Corinthians 12:3 In the summer of 1962, my younger sister and I...

Why Study Biblical Languages?

By Paul D. Wheatley “And there in the dark pools amid the Gladden Fields,” said, “the Ring passed out of knowledge and legend; and...

Why God’s First Language Is Not Silence

Silence is just one of the many, crazily multiplied languages God uses to get through to us.

Our Great Inheritance

By Paul (H. Matthew Lee) The Book of Common Prayer is the great masterpiece of the English Church, and although the Anglican Communion today is...

‘Expansive Language’ Should be Disruptive

As the Episcopal Church considers the use of expansive language in liturgical revision, we would do well to remember a few factors.

Inclusive Language, Equitable Pensions

The House of Deputies passed several resolutions during its July 10 meeting that shared a common prescription: inclusion and equity.

Lindbeck’s Ships: A Response to Chad Pecknold

Lindbeck set us afloat upon the currents of the great Tradition, giving us glimpses of the wisdom that lies on the far side, in hopes that someday we would all be united in one city.

Pope Francis: Shifting the Language

Five years in, Francis remains, if not a paradox, then definitely an emulsion: holding together within himself everyone’s expectations.

The making of Abram’s name

Babel, Pentecost, and a language for the gentiles

Christian readers and ‘the path of charity’

In Christian speech, we are bound together on the path of knowledge whose end is God.


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