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Maundy Thursday

Eating With the Enemy

It was a big game day in the city, when thousands had gathered for their favorite sporting event at the amphitheater. Children were laughing,...

For Maundy Thursday

By Garwood Anderson The Maundy Thursday liturgy is probably my favorite of the year. So much happens, from the washing of feet to the Garden...

Watch With Me

By Elisabeth Rain Kincaid Jesus said, wait with me. But the disciples slept. Mary Oliver’s haunting poem, “Gethsemane,” contrasts the faithfulness of elements of nature to...

He’s Asking Your Permission

By Victor Lee Austin None of the disciples refused the cup or the bread. But they could have. “This is my body which is given...

The Melancholy of Gethsemane: Honest Reflections on Priestly Ministry

This is the melancholy of Gethsemane: the realization that the road ahead to God lies through moments of despondency, “accompanied” by people too tired themselves even to stay awake while you cry out in frustration.

The Cup is What He Gives You

We see in our readings that when Jesus prays for us to be united to him and to the Father, there is then no other way we can choose if we are to be blessed, apart from the one that the Father gives Jesus.

Approaching the End

This week’s readings for the Good Book Club’s journey through John’s Gospel move us ever-closer to the Gospel’s climax, and the end of Jesus’s earthly life and ministry.

Preparing for Communion

The work of preparing to receive Holy Eucharist is not meant to scare us off. Nor is it meant to erect barriers. On the contrary, our preparation is meant to instill within us reverence and respect for the incredible gift of the Eucharist.

Bishop Barnes, Anglican Eugenicist

How could Bishop Barnes, a Cambridge mathematician, have gone so badly wrong?

If You Have the Stomach, See First Reformed Twice

First Reformed is a testimony that sometimes movies ask something of us.


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