The following essay is excerpted from a chapter in When Churches in Communion Disagree, ed. Robert Heaney, Christopher Wells, and Pierre Whalon (Living Church...
Exodus 15:1-17:7
By Wesley Hill
Growing up in church, I would sometimes encounter preachers trying to help us get a fresh angle of vision on Jesus’...
Systematic Theology, Volume 2
The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity
Processions and Persons
By Katherine Sonderegger
Fortress, pp. 416, $49
Tucked away near the end of Praying...
Periodically, we like to take stock of our work and mission. How can Covenant best serve the Anglican Communion and wider Christian family? And how do...
By Wesley Hill
There’s a wonderful bit in Lancelot Andrewes’ Christmas Day sermon from 1610 where he meditates on the meaning of the angels’ announcement...