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Jonathan Mitchican

Fr. Jonathan Mitchican is the chaplain and Theology Department Chair at St. John XXIII College Preparatory in Katy, Texas.

Are All Religions Paths to God?

At the end of The Last Battle, the final book in The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, Emeth the Calormen finds himself face...

Covenant Classics: Ave, Maria

Today is the feast of Saint Mary the Virgin, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether we celebrate this day her assumption into heaven,...

A Tyranny of Normalcy

Autism and Worship A Liturgical Theology By Armand Léon van Ommen Baylor, 263 pages, $44.99 In 2015, my wife and I were struggling to raise our two young...

What Is Government For?

When I was a senior in college, I got to meet Dr. Cornel West, who had come to speak on my campus. During his...

IVF And the Poorest of the Poor

Much public outrage followed the decision in February by Alabama’s Supreme Court to recognize cryogenically frozen embryos as people. Hundreds of thousands of these...

Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

As I grew up in the 1990s, few hours of television were as sacrosanct to me as Quantum Leap. I was already a lover...

A Catholic Appreciation of Tim Keller

By Jonathan Mitchican In 2010, I was the rector of an Episcopal parish just outside of Philadelphia and I was frustrated. I loved the parish...

The Poetry of Reconciliation

By Jonathan Mitchican When it comes to interpreting Scripture, N.T. Wright famously said, “We must stop giving nineteenth-century answers to sixteenth-century questions and try to...

Doctrine Develops, and So Does Liturgy

By Jonathan Mitchican One of the biggest intellectual challenges to my journey into full communion with the Catholic Church was the idea that doctrine develops....

The End of the Liturgy

By Jonathan Mitchican  The modern Church has been consumed by fights over liturgy, many of which have been proxy battles for social or political issues....