The Rev. Matthew S.C. Olver, Ph.D., is the Executive Director and Publisher of the Living Church Foundation, Senior Lecturer in Liturgics at Nashotah House Theological Seminary, and a scholar of early Christian liturgy.
Editor's Note: Part One may be found here.
Part Two
Degrees of Communion
There are several examples of differences that have been church-dividing in some contexts but...
Editors' Note: This is the first of a three-part series; these essays will appear sequentially this week.
Part One
Is there a contradiction?
“Does this violate the...
This second part of my three-part essay on these matters begins the conversation about the first step in the process to add gender-neutral marriage...
This article is being published in three parts. Part I looks at the resolutions proposed by the Task Force on Communion Across Difference, which...
This year’s General Convention will consider a second reading of a revision to Article X of the Constitution. It would be very unwise for General Convention to pass this revision.