Editor's Note: Part One may be found here.
Part Two
Degrees of Communion
There are several examples of differences that have been church-dividing in some contexts but...
By Jonathan Mitchican
One of the biggest intellectual challenges to my journey into full communion with the Catholic Church was the idea that doctrine develops....
By Samuel Keyes
Theologians John Cavadini, Mary Healy, and Thomas Weinandy recently published a series of essays as “A Synoptic Look at the Failures and...
A half-century after Vatican II, Pope Francis has moved the church past any conception of itself as a “perfect society” defined by separation from the world.
Spencer Case: “Dear God, I have come to the conclusion you probably don’t exist, but I’ve also come to the conclusion that any one view I hold may turn out to be mistaken, however unlikely the odds seem.”
Pruned of the Gesimas, Lent is a far less coherent season. Ash Wednesday comes out of the blue, as congregants spent the Sunday prior contemplating the splendors of the Holy Mount.