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civil rights

Honor, Shame, and the Gospel in the American South, Part III

Previous essays in this series have explored the matrix of an honor-shame culture in American Southern history, and how the American church found itself...

Militant Saints: Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Jonathan Daniels, and the Marian Call

By Kenly Stewart "We are beginning to see as we never saw before that we are truly in the world and yet ultimately not of...

Ethics: Religious Liberty Dominates High Court’s Term

High court exhibits willingness to protect First Amendment rights.

“Unto Whomsoever Much is Given, of Her Shall Much Be Required”

Bishops, Bourbons, and Big Mules: A History of the Episcopal Church in Alabama By J. Barry Vaughn The University of Alabama Press, 2013, pp. 264. $49.95 Review...

‘This Is My Life’

A play that depicts Lynda Blackmon Lowery’s heroism as a teenager seeks to inspire a new generation.

Absalom Jones Offering for Two Schools

Bishop Curry: “We have a unique opportunity to honor the witness of two schools that continue to form new leaders.”

Memorials and Magnanimity

The uneasy history of my family leads me to ask hard questions about history itself.

Ring Those Bells for MLK

Mirroring the way this news rippled across the country, bells will ring first at the National Civil Rights Museum and the King Center at 6:01 p.m.

Bishop Carpenter and civil rights in Alabama

Why could Carpenter not see that the time for social change was then and immediate, not gradual and worked out over time?

Act now: Martin Luther King, Jr., and ‘the acceptable time’

For our glorious future to come, we, God’s people, must actively seek it.


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